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Weekly Update

E Week Recap Thank you to everyone who came out and participated in Eweek this year, we came in 5th place overall which is a big accomplishment!

General Body Meeting - EBoard Position & Advance Testing Info. Session On Tuesday, February 25th in NSC 218 at 6:00 pm we will be having a General Body Meeting featuring a review of Eboard positions up for election following spring break, as well as an informational session with guest speakers from Advance Testing. Advance Testing is a consulting, construction materials testing lab that has been providing services for their clients since 1984. Advance Testing Company provides both field inspection and lab analysis of all construction materials for commercial, private, and public organizations. This will be a great opportunity to learn about a great company that services several different aspects of Civil Engineering!

Kistner Concrete Tour On Friday, February 28th at 11:00 am ASCE has been invited to tour the Kistner Concrete Products, Inc. facility in Lockport! Kistner is a leading precast concrete manufacturer in New York State which provides the Eastern Great Lakes Region of the United States with timely cost-effective solutions to their clients. They currently employ four UB alumni, three of which are Engineers. If you are interested in a position at Kistner, feel free to bring a resume with you to the tour and they would be more than happy to take a look, as their company is always growing! Please sign up via the link below if you are interested!!

Engineer Alley at UB Men's Basketball Game This year's Engineer Alley event will be held on Saturday, February 29th at 2:00 pm before the UB men's basketball game against Akron! The club with the most attendees wins money for their club. Please join us for this fun event, and help support our club! Pre-game pizza party, drinks, and giveaways sponsored by the UB Engineering and Applied Sciences Alumni Association as well!!

Habitat for Humanity Habitat for Humanity registration for Saturday, March 7 from 9:00 am -12:00 pm is NOW OPEN. Group size is limited to six, so the first six people who email Andrew Kist ( will get the spots.

Williamsville CSD Tech Competition Volunteer Opportunity The Williamsville School District's Engineering & Tech Ed competition is looking for volunteers to serve as judges for the events running at the competition.The event is set to be held on Wednesday, April 1st from 4:00pm to 7:00pm at Williamsville North High School. They are looking for judges for the following events: - CO2 Cars - Small Trusses/Bridges - Earthquake Engineering - VEX - Mini Sumo Bots - Photography - Drone Obstacle Course - 3D Modeling If you are interested in volunteering please sign up via the link below! If you have any further questions please email Andrew Kist ( for more information!

Concrete Canoe Keep an eye out for meeting updates in the sub-team GroupMe's!

Seismic Design On Monday, February 24th at 5:00 pm we will be having a General Body Meeting. Keep an eye out from PM's as to the location of the meeting.

Steel Bridge Fabrication will be taking place in the lab from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday-Friday

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