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Weekly Update

Hello everyone! Hope you all are settling in and getting ready for the upcoming semester!

General Body Meeting On Tuesday, January 28th in NSC 218 from 6:00 to 7:00 pm we will be holding our first GBM of the semester. This welcome back meeting will include important information regarding our design team updates, events to come throughout the semester (including E-Week), requirements to be qualified to attend regional competitions, and more so be sure to attend!

Ski/Snowboard Event On Friday, February 21st, the ASCE Buffalo Section will be holding a Younger Member Ski/Snowboarding event at Holiday Valley from 3:30 to 10:30 pm. The cost is $30 per person ($38 at the door). This will be a great opportunity to connect with other members of the ASCE student club, as well as members from the professional section! Friends and family are welcome to attend as well! To register, please follow the link below!

ABCD/ASCE/ACEC Joint February Meeting / Volunteer Opportunity ABCD, ASCE & ACEC invites you to attend their annual joint dinner meeting on Thursday, February 13th. The meeting will consist of a buffet dinner and a UB Student presentation on Truck-Bridge Collision Analysis; One of our own members, junior Esther Saula, will be one of the speakers! The program is a result of an Engineering Intramural Program studied by four junior level civil engineering students. All members, non-members and students are invited to attend! Prior to the banquet, ABCD's annual High School Model Bridge Competition will be held in the afternoon at Classics V as well. Volunteers are needed to help assist with the competition. Students interested in helping at the Model Bridge Contest should contact Larry Mathews PE ( Those who volunteer will be waived the cost of attendance for the banquet! Location: Classics V in Amherst, NY 2425 Niagara Falls Blvd. Cost to Attend: Student - $15 (Free for those willing to volunteer at the High School Model Bridge Competition) Member - $25 Non-Member - $30 The deadline to register is Monday, February 10th!! To register, please follow the link below!

Williamsville CSD Tech Competition Volunteer Opportunity The Williamsville School District's Engineering & Tech Ed competition is looking for volunteers to serve as judges for the events running at the competition.The event is set to be held on Wednesday, April 1st from 4:00pm to 7:00pm at Williamsville North High School. They are looking for judges for the following events: - CO2 Cars - Small Trusses/Bridges - Earthquake Engineering - VEX - Mini Sumo Bots - Photography - Drone Obstacle Course - 3D Modeling If you are interested in helping out, please email Andrew Kist ( for more details!

Concrete Canoe On Saturday, February 8th at 10:00 am there will be the final full scale canoe pour. Keep an eye out for meeting updates in the sub-team GroupMe's!

Seismic Design Design for the second tower is currently taking place! Construction will start up next week so keep an eye out for a construction schedule from PM's.

Steel Bridge The first team meeting of the semester will be held on Monday, February 3rd at 7pm in Jarvis 223. We'll be updating everyone on fabrication and ways to get involved before regionals. Fabrication Hours in Jarvis 117/Machine Shop: Monday thru Friday, 9am - 5pm

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