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Weekly Update

There are several events coming up in the coming weeks so please read through for important events and details! This Wednesday, September 18th, we will be having a General Body Meeting at 6:00 PM in 112 Norton Hall with guest speaker Jason Havens P.E. from Clark Patterson Lee, who will be talking about engineering ethics in his presentation "No hold bars; Truths about being an Engineer." This will be a great opportunity to gain valuable insight from a professional in the Civil Engineering field, so be sure to attend!

Meeting Details:

Date: Wednesday, September 18th

Time: 6:00 PM

Location: 112 Norton Hall Lafarge Quarry Tour ASCE will be taking a tour of Lafarge Concrete Plant's Quarry on Wednesday, September 25th from est. 11:30am-3:30pm. The planned tour is to see the testing lab, how asphalt is made, stockpiles, stone crushing, transportation of products, and a blast. This is an extremely rare and worthwhile opportunity everyone should consider attending! Registration closes September 22nd. Sign up at

CSEE 9th Annual Soccer Game and Welcome Celebration

The CSEE Department will hold its 9th Annual Soccer Game and Welcome Celebration on Saturday, September 28 from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Rotary Field on UB’s South Campus. Please join us as Civil engineering seniors and grad students take on CSEE freshman, sophomore and juniors, and Environmental seniors and Environmental graduate students for bragging rights in this year’s matchup! We are still looking for a coach for the civil engineering team, so please be sure to fill out the RSVP form at the bottom of this message to receive updates!

Come to play in the game or cheer on your friends, and please join us afterwards for subs and other snacks! Please complete the RSVP form HERE, and view the flyer below for more details:

Concrete Canoe There will be several meetings coming up this week: - Paddling Meeting: Tomorrow at 5:00 pm in 223 Jarvis Hall - Theme Design Meeting: Wednesday, September 18th at 5:00 pm in the Davis Hall lobby - Hull Design Meeting: Thursday, September 19th at 5:00 pm in the Davis Hall lobby

Steel Bridge

This Thursday, September 19th the Steel Bridge team will be holding an AutoCAD/SAP2000 tutorial at 6:30 PM at 223 Jarvis Hall. This will be a great opportunity for younger members or any other members who may not be familiar with these programs to learn the basics of how to use these softwares and to learn why these are important both for use for the steel bridge team as well as for future use in the civil engineering program and out in the field!

Seismic Design

There will be several events coming up for the seismic design team, including the following: Workshop #1: "Fundamental Civil/Structural Engineering Concepts and Terminology" When: TOMORROW, Monday 9/16, 6:00-7:30pm Where: 223 Jarvis Hall What: We will be having our first workshop titled "Fundamental Civil Engineering Concepts and Terminology". This workshop is designed to be an introduction to some core ideas that provide the physical basis for how civil engineers design. The workshop will be walking you through some common terminology: forces, moments, young's modulus, buckling, beams, columns, bracing, etc. If you are new to the major or if you are feeling shaky on some of your statics' / Mech. of Solids' skills, then I HIGHLY encourage you to come! Workshop #2: "Earthquake Engineering" When: Friday, 9/20, 4:30-6:00pm Where: 223 Jarvis Hall What: Our second workshop will dig a bit deeper into civil engineering when it comes to earthquake analysis and design. I encourage EVERYONE to come to this workshop. Here, we will discuss concepts like time history analysis, response spectrum analysis, stiffness, damping, center of rigidity, etc. We also plan on having a workshop where we will teach you the basics on how to use SAP2000 for structural analysis. That workshop will be coming sometime next week. Look out for an email from John once a room and time has been arranged!

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