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Weekly Update 02/03/19

General Body Meeting

Our first meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 5th at 6:30 pm in NSC 222. We will discuss plans for the semester and the PMs will share with everyone where they are at with their projects and their plans going forwards.

Social Events

We are planning on doing an ice sating and curling event on Friday, February 8th. This event will cost $8 for skating and $15 for curling. Please fill out the poll here if you are interested in participating in this event because we need to have final numbers prior to the event. Email Meghan with any questions:

Design Teams

Concrete Canoe

Look out for email from the PM or leads about prep for the final pour on February 16th.

Steel Bridge

There is a lot of fabrication work to be done to finish up the bridge in time for competition. We will need lots of help. Stop by the lab any time you are free.

Steel Bridge Fabrication Schedule: M - 9am-5pm T - 9am-5pm W - 9am-5pm Th - 9am-5pm F - 9am-5pm

Seismic Design

Look out for email from the PMs.

Bridging the Gap Africa

No events this week.

Habitat for Humanity

We will once again be participating in habitat for humanity this semester. There are 3 more opportunities to help out. If you are interested in helping, please sign up using the link below.

Relay for Life

We will be participating in the Relay for Life as a club. The event will take place on April 12th. Everyone should join the team and donate if possible. All proceeds go to the American Cancer Society. This link will take you to our teams page.


There are various scholarships available through National ASCE. The deadline for most scholarships is February 10th, 2019. Use this link to find the list of scholarships and more information about them.

Best Regards, Andrew Meyerhofer Secretary University at Buffalo ASCE

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