Winter Update
General Announcements
Stay tuned for Information about the first general body meeting.
Habitat for Humanity
We will once again be participating in habitat for humanity this semester. There will be four opportunities for you to help out, the first being on February 2nd. We need more volunteers for the first one. The deadline to sign up for this is tonight! If you are interested in helping, please sign up using the link.
Blood Drive
We will be sponsoring a blood drive through American Red Cross on Monday, January 28th (First day of classes!). We will need volunteers to help sign people in throughout the day. Use the link to sign up.
Steel Bridge
The Steel Bridge team will be having a meeting in Jarvis 223 at 6pm on January 28th (First day of classes). They will be discussing what was done over winter break and what still needs to be fabricated. If you are interested in trying out for build team it is highly recommended you attend this meeting because there will be a build demo of last years bridge afterwards. Contact the PMs if you have any question: - Nick Belmonte: - Jeremy DesJardins:
Relay for Life
We will be participating in the Relay for Life as a club. The event will take place on April 12th. Everyone should join the team and donate if possible. All proceeds go to the American Cancer Society. The link will take you to our teams page.
There are various scholarships available through National ASCE. The deadline for most scholarships is February 10th, 2019. Use the link to find the list of scholarships and more information about them.