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Weekly Update 11/04/18

General Body Meeting

Our next general body meeting will be November 14th in NSC 222 at 6:30pm. We will have someone come in to talk about what it means to get your professional engineering license and the steps you need to take to get there. We will also be holding our elections for historian for the upcoming year. Please see below for more information.

Historian Elections The Historian position is responsible for submitting the annual report to ASCE National. You will work alongside our current historian Jonathan this year, and then next year train the next historian. Responsible for making power point outlining club meetings, events, and club attendance, as well as compiling pictures throughout the year for the report. Nominations are now open, you can nominate yourself or someone you think would be a great historian. Must be freshmen, sophomore, or junior to run. Click here to sign up.

Habitat for Humanity We are looking for some more volunteers for the Habitat for Humanity on December 1st. Sign up here if you are interested.

Design Teams

Concrete Canoe Look out for email from PM and leads about meetings this week.

Steel Bridge

Look out for an email from the PMs or leads for events this week.

Seismic Design

Look out for an email from the PMs about events this week.

Bridging the Gap Africa No events this week.

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