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Weekly Update 09/30/18

General Body Meeting

There will be a general body meeting on Wednesday, October 3rd at 6:30pm in NSC 222. A project manager from LeChase Construction will be there to talk about the cool projects they are working on and how civil engineering and the construction industry work together.

STEM Up Career Fair The STEM Up career fair is this Thursday, October 4th from 12:30-4:30pm in Alumni Arena. This will be a great opportunity to meet professionals, learn about all the different engineering firms and get internships or jobs! We encourage all students to attend.

Engineering Expressions Volunteers needed to help at Holland Middle School Engineering Day this Friday 10/5. We will be working with the ASCE Buffalo Section to teach 5th-8th graders about engineering using hands on activities. We will meet in the lab (Jarvis 117) at 7:30am and return around 3pm. Sign up sing the link here if you are interested in helping out.

CSEE Annual Soccer Game On Saturday, October 6th at 3pm the annual CSEE soccer game will be held at Kunz Field on campus. Come hang out and cheer on your friends!

E-week & Battlebot If you are interested in helping out with BattleBot and E-week this year sign up using the link here. An email will be sent with a time for our first informational meeting.

Community Service Throughout the school year we will be helping out with Habitat for Humanity. This is a nonprofit organization that helps families build and improve places to call home. We help out once a month, typically on the first Saturday. If you are interested in signing up for any of these please do so with the link here.

Design Teams

Concrete Canoe Mix Meeting: Thursday, 10/4 at 5:30pm in Jarvis 117 Hull Design Meeting: Friday, 10/5 at 6:00pm in Jarivs 117

Steel Bridge

Look out for an email from the PMs.

Seismic Design

SAP2000 Tutorial: Tuesday, 10/2 at 7pm in Jarvis 223

Bridging the Gap Africa No events this week.

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