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Weekly Update 09/23/18

General Announcements The Engineering tailgate will be held Saturday, September 29th from 9am-12pm outside Bissell Hall before the UB football game versus Army. There will be food, drinks, giveaways, lawn games, and student-alumni networking opportunities. If ASCE has the most students attend our club wins some money so make sure to sign in! Register for the event by September 26th using the link here. Select free students tailgate so you don't need to pay. Our next general body meeting will be Wednesday, October 23rd from 6:30-7:30pm in NSC 222. LeChase Construction will be sending project managers to talk to us about some of the cool projects they are working on. If you are interested in helping out with BattleBot and E-week this year sign up using the link here. An email will be sent with a time for our first informational meeting.

Community Service Throughout the school year we will be helping out with Habitat for Humanity. This is a nonprofit organization that helps families build and improve places to call home. We help out once a month, typically on the first Saturday. If you are interested in signing up for any of these please do so with the link here.

Job Opportunity

The Chazen Companies is looking for interns for the Summer of 2019 and full time hires after graduation. Sara from their company will be at the STEMup Career Fair on October 4th. She is a former member of UB ASCE and encourages anyone interested talk to her at the career fair and to bring a resume.

Design Teams

Concrete Canoe Concrete Canoe will be going on a plant tour at Lafarge. They are a company that makes concrete and cement. The exact date has not been determined, but if you are interested in going sign up using the link here and stay tuned for an exact date and time. This is open to all members of the club. Paddling Practice: Thursday at 6pm and Sunday at 2pm Theme Meeting TBA Email the PMs if you want to be placed on the email list: -Madison Gross:

Steel Bridge

Lead elections will be Tuesday, 9/25 at 6:30pm in the lab (Jarivs 117). Contact the PMs if you want more information on the positions being elected. Email the PMs if you want to be placed on the email list: -Nick Belmonte: -Jeremy DesJardins:

Seismic Design

Coordinator elections will be Thursday, 9/27 at 6:30pm in Jarivs 223. Contact the PMs if you want more information on the positions being elected. Email the PMs if you want to be placed on the email list: -Paolo Bourdeau: -John Murphy:

Bridging the Gap Africa Look out for an email from the PM. Email the PM if you want to be placed on the email list: -Steve Renaud:

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