04/23/18 Update
Engineering Expressions The ASCE Buffalo Section is hosting an engineering workshop to teach 7th and 8th grade students about civil engineering at Holland Junior High. This outreach program aligns with the ASCE Vision and Mission of promoting civil engineering. We will be helping them out as they need volunteers to help run the sessions on Friday May 4 from 10:30 to 2:30. The new ASCE movie Dream Big will be shown at the event! Sign up to help out with the link. If you have any questions or need a class excuse note email Conor at conorbla@buffalo.edu.
ASCE Buffalo Section Meeting What's New in Geosynthetics? Come sit in on a PDH credit, and see how professional engineers continue to learn and stay up to date. The presentation will talk about the reinforcement of geosynthetics, which is used by the UB Concrete Canoe Team! The presenter, John Folts, is the ASCE Governor for our region. The presentation is Wednesday 4/25 from 5:30-8:30 at Pearl Street Grill and Brewery, 76 Pearl Street Buffalo, NY 14202. The cost of the event is $15 for students, dinner is provided. Email Tim Timothy.VanOss@mottmac.com to RSVP. Presentation Overview Reinforcement geosynthetics have shown to be useful, cost effective construction materials for many decades. More recent research and development has generated a new wave of reinforcement geosynthetic projects with a great array of applications. Improved technology for geosythetics with optimized shapes, sizes, and weights create improved performance for filtration, drainage, confinement, reinforcement, etc. Case histories from across the United States are provided to show the application of this new generation of reinforcement geosynthetics and their potential uses on future projects. John Folts is a Registered Professional Engineer in the state of NY and has over 24 years of experience in the Geotechnical Engineering industry. He is currently a Region 1 Governor with ASCE and a past president of the Mohawk-Hudson section. John has held positions as a consulting Civil Engineer, designing and inspecting retaining walls and roadways, as well as being a Regional Engineer for Keystone Retaining Wall Systems. Currently John is employed by TenCate Geosynthetics, a soil reinforcement manufacturing company where his main focus is on educating engineers and contractors on the proper uses of geogrids and high strength geotextiles. John will share both his hands on and personal industry knowledge while educating attendees on the proper product selection and installation methods.
Best Regards, Conor Blake Secretary University at Buffalo Student Chapter of ASCE